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The Root Of Pride

Pride is the root of all sin. It causes us to turn away from God instead of turning to Him. All disobedience has pride as its root. All rebellion has pride behind it.

Pride: The Root of Evil. By Dr. David A. DeWitt. • Is pride always bad? • Can I be proud of my children, employees, or team? • Why does the world stress pride ..

Pride is the root of all vice/sin and the strongest influence propelling us to sin. Gregory the Great charaterizes it as the sovereign of vices: "Pride, the sovereign of ..

Mar 25, 2010.. In Chapter 6, Moore begins a discussion on two major roots of insecurity: The culture outside us and the influence of pride within us. These are ..

« continued from previous page Everyone suffers from it to some degree. When we have exalted ourselves in pride, God does not want to punish us and bring us low but rather to forgive and restore us. He says again and again in Scripture, humble yourselves, and I will exalt you. This gives us hope and encouragement. God takes pleasure in our efforts to humble ourselves, and he loves to bless and exalt the humble.

I’m in the process of reading a book by Beth Moore, author and Bible teacher. The book is called “So Long Insecurity.” In Chapter 6, Moore begins a discussion on two major roots of insecurity: The culture outside us and the influence of pride within us. These are only two out of many other roots of insecurity that Moore presents early in the book. I’m going to direct my reflections on the latter, pride.

the root of pridePride and Humility - page 5 | C.S. Lewis Institute

When we have exalted ourselves in pride, God does not want to punish us and.. For just as pride is the root of all sin, so “humility is the root, mother, nurse, ..

Part 2: A Strong Insecurity Root: Pride"